Outdoor sports maintain a steady lead over indoor sports

Outdoor sports maintain a steady lead over indoor sports

Sports. Well…

The votes are in Americans love Outdoor Sports. I struggled with this weeks Makeover Monday dataset (2020 Week 1). I am not a big sports fan and did not feel motivated to study the data. I tried to imagine that the data represented something else. Don’t laugh, it almost worked. IN the end I just buckled down and started looking for patterns. I started to wonder if there might be one when similar sports are grouped.

And eureka, that was it. It got a little hard to clearly define a sport one way or the other. So I took the approach of, “at the national level, when televised”, where is it usually played, indoors, outdoors, or both? Then I annotated the visual so anyone studying the data would be aware of any assumptions I had made.

Cover Photo by Josiah Day on Unsplash